Welcome to the Fidealis blog

This blog is aimed at anyone setting up a business or a project, and who wants to be kept informed on complex, varied but exciting topics relevant to their business.

In this section, we’ll be writing articles or simply mood posts on hot or important topics related to the creator’s life, which is alive and increasingly digital.

Our core business is the protection of intellectual property, for which we have invented an online registration system that can be used to prove the anteriority of a creation. Secure dating of creations is a major tool for all creators, whether on the Web, in fashion, home design or graphic design. Copyright is a prerequisite for all so-called “registered” rights; it is a particularly powerful right in France and Europe, and operates in many countries where a creator can assert his or her originality thanks to the Berne Convention.

Over the 12 years of Fidealis’ existence, we have met thousands of entrepreneurs and processed hundreds of thousands of business registrations. And we shared with them their questions, needs and expectations. Face to face.

We are now going to share this knowledge and our thoughts with you, not just from an intellectual property perspective, but more broadly from an entrepreneurial one. Business is at the heart of the economy. By nature, we like what pulses; naturally, we want to talk to you about it.

The multiplication of communication and visibility channels has also led to a multiplication of risk factors. We’ll also take a look at the advantages and opportunities offered by the web from the entrepreneur’s point of view.

I’m delighted to open this blog and hope that the writings of our team, regular and guest partners will enlighten you.

See you soon

Philippe OBADIA
Chairman and Founder

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