Patenting in France: Protect your innovation in just a few clicks

Your patent application from €299 plus VAT

(plus formalities fees), carried out by an expert Intellectual Property lawyer.

Patents are one of the surest ways of protecting your innovation and maintaining your competitiveness in the marketplace. According to Articles L611-1 et seq. of the French Intellectual Property Code, for a patent to be registered, it must meet several criteria: novelty, inventive step and industrial application.

What type of patent will you file?

The choice of patent territory is crucial to protecting your invention. National protection extends only to France, while European or international protection offers much broader coverage. The cost of the depot varies according to the territory chosen. In addition, the type of patent (patent, utility certificate, European patent or international patent) must be chosen wisely, depending on the scope of protection required and the level of innovation involved.
Evidence recognized by courts

Recognized by the courts the world over.

Affidavit valid for life

You will have evidence for life.

Registration valid in 11 languages

Your registration is available in French, English, Italian, Chinese, German, Portuguese, Arabic, Spanish, Korean, Japanese, and Russian.

Affidavits available 24/7

Receipt of registration available online 24/7.

Patent filing process

1. Fill in the online form.

2. Prior art search: this is a crucial step, enabling you to check whether your invention has already been patented.

3. Filing the patent with INPI: once you've verified the availability of your invention, you can file your patent with INPI. This filing includes payment of official fees and the dispatch of all necessary documents, including a description of your invention, any sketches and the claims that define the scope of protection.

The patent application process: timeline

After filing with INPI, examination of the application can take up to 18 months. This examination period is essential, as it enables INPI to assess whether your invention is new, inventive and industrially applicable. What’s more, your patent application is published 18 months after filing or priority, giving potential opponents a chance to express themselves. This publication also marks the start of provisional protection for your invention.

Patent risks

Penalties for patent infringement can be severe. Civil measures can be taken, such as the payment of damages, or even criminal measures, including fines or prison sentences. Therefore, it’s crucial to ensure that your patent is solidly established, which implies an accurate and complete description of your invention, and well-defined claims. It’s also important to ensure that your patent is being exploited, as an un-exploited patent may lapse after a certain period of time.

The Fidealis guarantee for patent registration

With Fidealis, you benefit from a secure and efficient service for filing your patent. Our expert attorney will guide you through the entire process, from preparing your patent application to filing it with INPI. The process includes prior art searches, assistance in drafting the description and claims, preparation of all necessary documents, and communication with INPI. Costs are transparent, and you don’t pay anything until you’ve validated an estimate.