Protect software by copyright

Registration from 99€

Protect your creative work by registering copyright

Software Intellectual Property

All original work is protected by copyright, which gives the creator exclusive rights over their production.

Software has been considered an intellectual work of the mind since the adoption of the law of 3 July 1985, which confers copyright to any software designer.

It is, therefore, important to consider copyright registration in order to prove the date of creation in the event of an infringement. Fidealis offers a 100% online solution.

Finally, to complete this protection there is the escrow solution which is aimed at all developers of source code, software, SaaS application or even a mobile application.

Preuves reconnues des tribunaux

Reconnaissance par les tribunaux du monde entier.

Certificats d'huissier valables à vie

Vous vous constituez des preuves valables à vie.

Vos dépôts valables en 11 langues

Vous disposez de vos dépôts en français, anglais, italien, chinois, allemand, portugais, arabe, espagnol, coréen, japonais, et russe.

Vos preuves disponibles 24/7

Reçu de dépôt disponible en ligne 24/7.

How can I protect my creative work with Fidealis?

1. Subscribe

I register free of charge. No payment is needed.

2. Guidance provided

I would like an offer tailored to my needs with an advisor.

3. We protect you

I upload my creative work online. I'm protected!

No alternative for software protection

Software is composed of a great number of lines of code that permit tasks to be performed.

Software is structured on the following model:

  • incoming information ( input )
  • software processing
  • outgoing information ( output )

It is extremely easy to shorten, lengthen and, bypass certain tasks in the software, without modifying the treatment of the information. This is one of the reasons why software is not patented in France. As the result of a task executed by the software comes from an X or Y, or Z code.

The debate about software patents in France remains on the idea of non-patentable software.

What are the conditions of software copyright?

Software copyright allows the creator, the team of authors or the individual or legal entity that initiated the creation to enjoy moral and economic rights. Authors thus benefit from recognition of their authorship, the right to publish the work, the power to authorize or prohibit its reproduction as well as the right to market and adapt the work.

To ensure better protection for software and formalize copyright, the registration of software copyright is a secure solution. It is advised by public bodies, specialized companies and firms of lawyers or attorneys.

Copyright registration for all software developers

To protect a program, it is necessary to collect all documents proving ownership. Not only is the software registered. But also the development and design files, technical documentation, source codes used for software design and user manuals in completing the filing application. For practical reasons, software is more generally filed with legal and judicial officers or companies specializing in the protection of software copyright.

Fidealis protects your IT creative work

Fidealis takes care of the registration formalities for the protection of your creative work.

Thanks to reliable methods, we can immediately protect your creative work. After giving your program an electronic signature and digital timestamp, software copyright is officially registered.